Books, Books and More Books

 Books, Books and More Books

Books, I love books.  If you read my Bio, I mention that as a child the Librarian used to have to tell me I had a limit on how many books I could check out each visit.  In our big farmhouse, I have a library of bookshelves full of books. One can never have to many books is my motto.

I love most books, Fiction, Non-fiction.  I do not care for science fiction, perhaps because I most often can't wrap my brain around most of that type writing.  I do not have a brain that understands science fiction books.  

As a child I loved books like the original "Boxcar Children", "Little House and the Prairie", "Pippy Longstocking", "Madeline", "Caddy Woodlong".

As a teenager, I was drawn to poetry and young love type novels, such as "Sooner or Later", "Are you their God? it's Me Margaret?", "Peter and Veronica", "Stawberry girl". 

As a young Mom I found myself purchasing more "Help" books.  Suddenly I had a tiny human to care for and I wanted to make sure I was doing it right.  It started as soon as the test showed that little blue dot.  I remember a friend loaning me her book, "What to expect when you are expecting".  

Over the years of being a Mom and a Wife, I have found I very seldom purchase a Novel.  I mean I have read as an adult a few great novels, "The Wedding" by Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorites.  But for the most part from the time I became a Mom up until today, I have found that I tend to purchase self help books.  Books like, "Her True Worth", "Living a Life you Love", "Toxic Positivity", "So Long Insecurity".

I wonder why as we grow, we suddenly feel like we need fixed.  We need books to tell us how to be, how to think, how to feel.  Society seems to tell all of us we have things that we need to improve.  Don't get me wrong, I have learned great things from these books.  Some have truly opened my eyes to things I could work on within myself and things I am doing great already....By the authors standards anyways.

But sadly I have read enough self help books that I could help everyone but apparently me.  Because in reading all these books,  I am still drawn to those advertisements that always have some statement that resonates something in me making me feel like I still need fixed.  Like I am not good enough as who I am. I'm not a good enough Wife, I'm not a good enough Mom, I'm not a good enough Friend, Teacher, Christian.

Today since it is a rainy cold day, as I was sitting down to read one of my many self help books God Spoke to me.  (Which is what brought me to my desk to write this blog )

As I picked up this very well written book by an amazing author who seems to be filled with much knowledge and wisdom, I heard God say, "why do you run to these self help books, when you should run to me?"

Whoa!  What?! Dang I just got called out!  I literally paused a second, like did I just hear this!  

It makes such perfect sense, why do we run to self help books trying to learn how to overcome things that make us feel like less than, or like we need fixed, when there is a book that truly has all the answers.  In this book it says,

 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" Jeremiah 1:5

"You have searched me, Lord, and you know me" Psalm 139:1

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" Psalm 139:14

Why am I reading books trying to figure out who I am and how I should be...... when I am me.  (sounded like a Dr. Suess book with that rhyme )  I am who God made me to be, how God made me to be. I am "fearfully and wonderfully made", by the one who made all things and all things he made was good.

Since everything God created is good, we should not reject and of it but receive it with thanks.  For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God. 1 Timothy 4:4-5

The only book I should look to to guide me into the best version of me is The Holy Bible.  It is the only book written with me in mind.  It is the only book that tells me who I really am, who I am meant to be.  He is the only Author that knew me before I was formed in my Mother's womb.  I am who he says I am.  Can we all better ourselves, absolutely.  But perhaps when looking for help we should turn to God's word.  I will add the book I was about to read is based on Biblical facts, written by a Christian Author who shares and backs up every point she makes with a Bible verse.  So I am not saying self help books are bad.

I am just saying that while we are reading them lets not forget to turn to the best self help book ever written.  Lets take our concerns for how to be the best person we can be to the Author that knows our weaknesses, knows where we need a little fixing, sees all that we do and how we behave.  Lets take our concerns to the one that will love us unconditionally yet convict us of the errors in our ways and guides us with a loving hand.  Lets talk with him about healing our hurts.  Lets turn to him to show us how to show forgiveness. Lets see that we don't need a self help book saying how to feel worthy and loved, there is a book that says We ARE worthy and loved. 

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.  It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do."

2 Timothy 3:16-17 

"For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do good things he planned for us long ago."Ephesians 2:10

 He made each of us in his perfect image. So don't try to change who you are, just go be the best version of you you can be.  Go Live your life content in just being you!

The Happy FarmWife


Anonymous said…
♥️♥️♥️ Like you said, God will convict us and make us aware of things we could better within ourselves for his kingdom and his glory but we need to remember he is then the one that will do the work. We go to him and say I see you have convicted me, please work in me to be and do better. It is hard in a society of “hustlers” to remember we aren’t in this alone and we don’t have to do all the work and research in “fixing” ourselves. Everything should be taken up with God first and then he will tell us what to do from there, but the world tells us we are the only ones that can change our own lives and we must do all of the work all on our own. In a world like the one we live in today there is no doubt discernment and wisdom are always coming in to play to understand God’s truth vs the world’s.

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