HOW TO LIVE SLOW IN A HURRIED WORLD Raise your hand if you often feel overwhelmed and exhausted before you even step out of bed. I would bet to say that you are not alone. I recently started a Bible Study with my girls called, "Growing Slow" by Jennifer Dukes Lee. We are only on the second chapter, so I am still learning how to "grow slow" but it has brought, (in just the intro and first chapter), to my realization how hurried we all really are becoming. Some where in all the growth in technology, we have made life more difficult rather than the original plan to make life easier. People always think drugs or alcohol, when they hear the word addict. Most would even state proudly, "I am not an addict!" But lets be honest here, we are all addicts . We all feel this need to be connected to a million people through a million devices and social media platforms. Add to that, whether we want to admit it or not, we want to keep up with everyone. ...